29. 07. 2012.

Travel: Walk Like An Egyptian

Travel is the only thing money can buy that makes you richer.
Putovanje je jedina stvar na koju potrošiš novac, a obogaćuje te.

Ever since I can remember, I had a book All the Wonders of the World. Although I did not know how to read, I spent hours watching and studying the images of world landmarks, from the pyramids to Kennedy Space Center. Even as a child of 5 years I had a list of places I want to visit. My dolls were explores, the female version of Indiana Jones who traveled the world and revealed ancient mysteries, astronauts with space shuttle made from shoe box, they sang at the Sydney Opera House, walked the Great Wall of China... Anyway, Egypt was on that list. When I had the chance to go, my happiness knew no bounds. 
I won’t lecture you about history and culture of Ancient Egypt, but I know the secret of the pyramids. Little Iva told me :)

Odkad znam za sebe, imala sam knjigu Sva čuda svijeta. Iako još nisam znala čitati, provodila sam sate gledajući i proučavajući slike svjetskih znamenitosti, od piramida do kozmodroma. Već kao dijete od 5 godina  imala sam listu mjesta koja ću posjetiti. Moje lutke su bile istraživačice, ženska verzija Indiane Jonesa koje su putovale svijetom i otkrivale drevne misterije,  putovale su u svemir u improviziranoj raketi od kutije za cipele, pjevale u Sydneyskoj Operi, šetale po kineskom zidu…  Uglavnom, jedna  od moih velikih želja bila je posjetiti Egipat. Kad mi se pružila prilika da odem, mojoj sreći nije bilo kraja. 
Mislim da vas ne moram upoznavati sa kulturom i povijesti drevnog Egipta, ali znam tajnu piramida. Mala Iva mi je rekla :)

The Nile River
Karnak Temple


Pyramids of Giza

Giftun Island - Red Sea

Shiny happy people

Love this pic, this boy was so kind and polite

What about you, where would you like to travel? I would be glad to hear your story.

25. 07. 2012.

NOTD: China Glaze - Trousseau

Crazy colors? Complicated manicure? Glitters?
Well, no.
Semi opaque translucent pinky white, natural and  simple: China Glaze - Trousseau.

21. 07. 2012.